Tattoo Cover Ups
Much thought should be put into getting a tattoo as it is a mark for life. The design should be something that will not be outgrown or outdated. Regardless of how much thought is actually put into it, sometimes the tattoo ends up needing a cover up.
Cover ups are done for several reasons. One of the most common reasons is to give the tattoo a fresh, new look. Tattoos that have faded over time can be touched up to make it look as if it is brand new. Newly applied crisp lines can clean up any blurring around the edges. Additional color can be put on to brighten up the design.
At times, the original tattoo needs brightened up due to fading but can be achieved with the addition of more color and design aspects. A black tattoo can be brightened up by adding more detail as a background in color. Many colors can be applied over the old black ink with a nice effect as well.
Tattoo cover ups are often done when the previous design is no longer accurate for the customer. For example, a woman may have a tattoo applied sporting the name of her boyfriend. Years later, the relationship no longer exists but the tattoo remains for life. Cover ups can completely change the look of the tattoo making parts of it that are no longer desirable appear to have disappeared.
Tattoo cover ups are needed when the original tattoo is of poor quality. Prison tattoos are often presented for cover ups. Tattoos that were done by amateurs are also commonly covered up. These old tattoos are often small or done with thin lines that are easily covered.
Even when there isn’t a previous tattoo, a cover up is still needed at times. These are the cases when scars are to be covered with art. Millions have tattoos applied to cover scars that they no longer wish to see or feel they aren’t very pleasing to look at. Unless the scars are large and have caused extensive damage to the skin, typically a cover up can be done. Even on very large scars, many good tattoo artists can still design something to work with.
When a tattoo cover up is required, it is most important to search for an excellent and talented tattoo artist. A tattoo artist who can design a great picture for the original tattoo is good. A tattoo artist who can design a tattoo to cover up an existing tattoo with a new and different design is the kind of talented artist you need for a successful cover up.
Most tattoo artists do not have samples of cover ups they have done on display. To see these you’ll often have to ask specifically for them. Pay close attention to the detail of the cover ups and compare the old tattoo to the new. A large solid tattoo should not be applied over a smaller tattoo as the old one will easily show through.
Although tattoos are permanent, they can be covered up and touched up. Touch ups have been reported as being a slight bit more painful and often repeat visits are needed to fully complete the design. The option is there, however and if an excellent artist is found the end result should be stunning.
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