Remember These Tips And You Can Remember Anything
It can be as mundane as a phone number or as emotionally important as a family trip, but poor memory can make you forget virtually anything. While many people resign themselves to just having a “naturally poor” memory, there are various tips that can be taken to ensure that you help remember the things in your life.
Try to keep your memory sharp by not relying too much on technology. Instead of storing everyone’s phone number on your phone, try committing at least a few of them to memory. Don’t just turn to the computer to Google the answer to a question; instead, try to remember it for yourself.
Exercise your brain frequently. Consider activities where you need to improve. Repeating what you already know will lead nowhere and will not create new connections among your brain cells. Break your routines frequently and find new ways of doing your everyday chores. Choose activities which are new, fun and challenging.
Studies have shown that Omega-3 and other nutritional supplements found in fish can increase memory and brain cell development. For this reason, a diet rich in fish and products laced with Omega-3 can help you improve your abilities of reasoning and recall. Make sure your diet is consistent with overall brain health, and try not to ignore fish on the menu.
A great tip for improving your memory is to be sure that you are not thinking about the past or the future but thinking about right now. This is important because this will bring focus, and focus is what is essential to processing thoughts to your long term memory.
Exercise regularly as it can improve your memory functions and health. Physical exercises improve your physical look and they also increase the oxygen flow to the brain. A physically well kept body is less prone to catch memory loss causing illnesses and increases the useful brain chemicals’ presence in the blood.
Make your memorization easier by using mnemonic devices. The easiest one is to associate a visual image with the word or name you need to remember. Life like, vivid images linked to hard to memorize or understand concepts can help to speed up the learning process significantly. Think of images from your everyday life to make the process easier and faster.
Learning something as a song can help improve your memory. Even if you had a hard time studying for tests in school, you probably know all the words to your favorite songs. The combination of rhyme and music helps memory. Look for songs online or make up your own.
Park your vehicle in a different position in your driveway. If an urgent task that has to be done the next day occurs to you just as you are returning home from the day, one way to remind yourself is to back into your driveway instead of pulling in!
A poor memory can really hamper one’s life. You can forget the name of the person you met just last week, or you can even forget some of what would have been cherished memories. While everyone’s capacity for memory is different, this article’s advice gave various tips that will help make sure your memory is working at its own optimal level.
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