Coming Up With A Plan To Fight Memory Loss (2)

Coming Up With A Plan To Fight Memory Loss

It can be as mundane as a phone number or as emotionally important as a family trip, but poor memory can make you forget virtually anything. While many people resign themselves to just having a “naturally poor” memory, there are various tips that can be taken to ensure that you help remember the things in your life.

You should try to socialize and have fun. Although it sounds strange, socializing with friends is a great workout for your brain. Laughing is also vital for brain health, as it uses many parts of your brain. It can also help you to think in broader terms and keep it active.

Learning something as a song can help improve your memory. Even if you had a hard time studying for tests in school, you probably know all the words to your favorite songs. The combination of rhyme and music helps memory. Look for songs online or make up your own.

If someone you know is suffering from Dementia, Alzheimer’s Disease, or another illness that effects their memory, try showing them pleasant pictures from the past. By looking at pleasant memories, the memory of these patients may improve. Be sure not to bring up unpleasant memories as this could cause them a setback.

Try meditating. Meditation can help you against anxiety, depression, and stress. Studies show that regular meditators have much more activity in the the left pre-frontal cortex. This special area of the brain is associated with feelings of joy and equanimity. This also allows the brain to make more connections with brain cells, increasing memory and mental sharpness.

A memory technique that works for many people is the listen, write and read method. Basically what this entails is really listening to what is being said. While listening, make notes about the material that is being shared. At a later time, read the notes again. With this technique, you are actually reviewing the information three times which aids in cementing the information in your memory.

If you find yourself needing to remember the facts and information that you come across on a daily basis, it is extremely helpful to carry a small pocket notebook to store in your pocket or in your handbag. This way, you can record the information as it comes and be able to reference it at a later point, with no discrepancies. You can do the same with the calender function in your cell phone.

Avoid smoking cigarettes to keep your memory from being negatively affected. Studies have shown that the memory of smokers suffers more than compared to non-smokers. You probably didn’t need yet another reason to quit, but maybe this will be the one that lets you finally put down that pack.

A poor memory can really hamper one’s life. You can forget the name of the person you met just last week, or you can even forget some of what would have been cherished memories. While everyone’s capacity for memory is different, this article’s advice gave various tips that will help make sure your memory is working at its own optimal level.

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