You know the day is drawing near
I’ve heard countless diatribes from DVD renters about the widescreen feature so commonly offered with today’s movie rentals. As I’m sure you’ve noticed, DVDs typically come with a widescreen format; however, some do come with both. Now, the widescreen format is basically the movie theater picture on your television. Naturally it doesn’t fit right if you lack a wide screen television. You’ll have to settle for black bars on the top and base of your screen. Although this has never bothered me, it bothers some folks like no other. They absolutely can’t stand the “black bars.” If this is you, then you should quickly invest in a wide screen television. You might not know it, but a widescreen picture offers a definite advantage. You get more picture on your screen. Yep, just when you thought you were getting less. Wide screen is exactly that; WIDE SCREEN. Compare it to the old standard full screen sometime and you’ll see what I mean. A modern wide screen television offers more picture for your home entertainment.
It’s not like it was when they first surfaced! Wide screen televisions are not the price of a car anymore. Well actually, some still are, but many can be bought for considerably less. For around 1000 dollars, you can actually find a decent wide screen television for your family or entertainment room. That’s how low they’ve gotten. In short, it’s time to stop grappling with the hassles of full screen TVs and upgrade to the advantages of the contemporary wide screen television. Get that movie theater level of entertainment in your own home.