Tai Chi Music

Tai Chi Music

Summary: Tai Chi music to help your Tai Chi practices. Tai Chi music is also a great musical piece to complement your Tai Chi meditation and calm your nerves.

Doing your morning Tai Chi can be a daunting task, more especially if you are living in a metropolitan. The hubbub of the busy streets, the passing train, mewling of your neighbor’s baby, coupled with the pollution, all these annoyances tend to invade your perfect meditation with the most obscene curse you can throw to your neighbor. Well, we might not have a solution to the smell of your neighbor’s barbeque, but we can definitely do something about the noise.

This is where Tai Chi music comes into play. Mediation should be a breeze listening to the soothing and calming Tai Chi music. Equip yourself with a handy walkman and plug your ears with the biggest earmuffs you can find. Now you are ready to begin your Tai Chi meditation practically anywhere.

Some Tai Chi music are designed to help you perform the forms. Some are even designed for a specific form. Pat Clemence and the Silk Orchestra’s Cloud Hands, for instance, is a music title designated to accompany the 54 slow forms. The rhythm and tempo of the music serves as a marker on when a specific maneuver should be performed such as the sequence and the timing. Some are for meditation purposes; their soothing and calming music can affect tranquility to the nerves.

There are several Tai Chi music sold online, but the ones from Pat Clemence and The Silk Orchestra have the nicest visibility. They have 10 Tai Chi music titles to choose from, with each one designed to a specific form, even sword form. You can check their music titles with this link: www.silkorchestra.com

Hypnosis Health Care has wide variety of meditation music and one of these is Yoga/Tai Chi music, titled “the steps of movement”. Check out the music with this link: www.hypnosishealthcare.com/yogataichisteps.html

Workout Music Videos also offers Tai Chi music. The title is Ocean Serenade. It is an orchestral and piano piece blended with natural and gentle ocean noises. Rolling waves, occasional distant thunder, and gentle howling of wind arranges the perfect ambiance for any Tai Chi meditation. Check out Ocean Serenade at www.workoutmusicvideo.com/taiocs.html

Tai Chi music is another innovative method to experience Tai Chi spirit. Chang San Feng was known to love nature; the Tai Chi music could really make you experience how Feng always envision Tai Chi.