Secret venetian carnival parties

Secret venetian carnival parties

Apart from what all tourist guides would recommend as:

-the Volo dell’Angelo (Flight of the Angel)
-the Festa delle Marie (Celebration of the Marie)
-the Gran Corteo Storico (Great Historic Parade)
-the Sfilata delle Maschere (Mask Procession)

You can try these unique events:

Sat 26th Jan., 8.30 pm. Gala Dinner and Ball IL RIDOTTO (a former casino, ball room and theatre in XVIII century run by nobles, who abided by very strict rules involving the use of masks. Giacomo Casanova considered the Ridotto as the stage setting and backdrop for his conquests). After the welcoming cocktail, and before the luxurious dinner you will be entertained by the young Casanova” music play in the English edition. Then you will go on dancing minuets, rondo, quadrilles, badineries, waltzes all night long, accompanied by a classical orchestra.

Location: Palazzo Dandolo, Sala del “Ridotto” at the Hotel Monaco & Gran Canal San Marco 1332, Calle Vallaresso Dress Code: Costume. Reservation: 420 euros.

Chocolate Time Gran Caffé Lavena at 4 pm
Sunday 27th Jan. and Sunday 3rd Feb.
Piazza San Marco
Dress Code: Costume
Reservation: 50 Euros

Wagner’s favourite café, the elegant Gran Café Lavena is one the Italian Historical Places. On Sunday 27th to honour the Carnival traditions different hot chocolates, drinks and pastries will be impeccably served whilst the guests will be entertained by artists like the Krystal harmony playing a real concert using their magic glass harps.

Cocktail time Gran Café Lavena at 5.30pm
Tuesday 29th Jan.
Dress Code: Costume.
Reservation: 70 euros

Thursday 31st January

In the enchanted frame of the splendid Palazzo Pisani-Moretta overlooking the Grand Canal adorned with Baroque decorations, Tiepolo’s works and at the light of hundreds of candles, a GALA DINNER AND BALL is held for the Venice Carnival on Thursday 31st January 2008. Admired by some famous visitors like Tzar Paul of Russia, Joséphine Bonaparte and Joseph Il of Austria, the Palace organizes.The most glamorous Ball of the Carnival of Venice” for its guests. Clowns, mimes, artists and jesters welcome the guests with a cocktail and then you will be taken by the master of ceremony to your table in the beautiful reception room on the bel étage. In this magical atmosphere you will be delighted with a baroque dinner and soft music, opera singers, mimes and special allegorical costumes of the Carnival.

Later in the evening a master of dance will lead you to the opening of the Ball while on the ground floor a prestigious modern band will make you dance till the early morning, when hot chocolate and croissants will be served.

Gondola tour
Wednesday 30th Jan and Mon 4th Feb.

You can indulge in probably one of the ‘must’ for a real experience of Venice Carnival: a 30 minutes gondola tour followed by a special dinner at “La Colomba” Restaurant serving specialties from the Venetian tradition. A special way to spend a lively evening with friends and meet new ones.

Meeting Point > “stazio” (gondola station) of San Marco, Calle Vallaresso just in front of the Harry’s Bar

Time: 7.15 pm
Dress Code: Costume
To reserve one or more of these events you can contact the organizers.
Prices vary from 50 euros for the Chocolate Time up to 420 euros for gala dinner and ball.

Also be prepared to spend quite a lot in Venice for an accommodation during Carnival period. Hotels are usually fully booked since the previous year because of course.. any tourist would love to be there in that period. But there are budget alternatives in apartments, private B&B, or flats or family run hotels close to the Train station. Alternative solutions could be found along the Brenta River in the famous Riviera del Brenta where also many events ( theatres, concerts, parties in Villas) are regularly held for Carnival.

Between a party, a dance and a parade do not forget to try delicious fritole and crostoli, galani and chiacchiere that you can easily find in pastry-shops and coffee shops all over the city. These are the typical fried sweets of the Carnival of Venice. You absolutely cannot miss them!