Preserve your Favorite Flowers Forever through Flower Paintings
Most people from all walks of life can’t stop themselves to appreciate the natural beauty of flowers. Every time we pass by a beautiful garden full of blossoming flowers, it would be very hard not to stare and take another look at them. Flowers are not girl’s stuff, you know, even men like them. You shouldn’t forget that men are known to be the most appreciative of beauty than women, so how can they not love flowers, too? The most romantic guys know what kind of flowers to give to their special someone.
Flowers have long been part of our lives. They’re one of the things we use as gifts for special occasions, like birthdays, anniversaries, mother’s days, valentine’s days, wish for fast recovery, and many more. But the sad part of it is that they have short lives. We only have a few days to stare at their beauty before they fade away and dry out. For all we know, there are people who preserve the loveliness of flowers through flower paintings. This way, you can look at your favorite flower for as long as you live.
Flower paintings or botanical arts, in general, have been widely used to effectively document a variety of flower and plant species. Yes, flower photos can be one. However, most artists prefer to look at their own flower paintings than those in photos. According to them that if have looked in a flower painting and it took your breath away, same thing happen to them as they made those paintings. That is the experience that artists want to share with you. So, if you want to paint your own favorite flower and you did, and you are not happy with the result, don’t get discouraged. If the first time isn’t perfect, just continue to paint and eventually you’ll get familiar with its shape and without you even knowing it, you’ve made your first flower painting. As you get better and better in flower paintings, you’ll soon realize how shades of colors and lights affect your creation.
I may not be an artist myself, but I know how to admire great paintings. For as long as you are not color blind, you can make perfect flower paintings that will receive WOW from other people. If you think a few techniques might help a little to make the flower you draw will look like one (kidding!), you can find books in your local bookstores that talk about this topic. Just make sure not to copy the techniques of other artist if you don’t want to be disappointed with the result. Just use some of the techniques of flower painting you’ve learned as guide and you’ll be surprised how unique your painting turns out.