painted portraits

painted portraits

Though most people think that painted portraits are for those with a lot of disposable income, these are actually something that almost anyone can afford. These don’t have to be the detailed portraits that some have hanging in their homes of ancestors they never met or don‘t remember. They can be of your immediately family, or even of your pets. Though there are expensive ones, there are ones out there you can get for a great price, and you will love them just as much as the more expensive versions.

You no longer have to sit for painted portraits. It’s been a long time since someone has really had to do this, thanks to the photograph. I imagine there are still some who request people sit for painted portraits, but most good artists can and will work from a photograph. This is great news, especially if someone requests a portrait of someone who may have passed away, would like to give something as a gift, or would like something of a pet. We all know animals just won’t sit still for anything.

I have seen many sites online that offer to use a photograph to produce painted portraits for anyone who wants one, and the prices on many of these sites were rather reasonable. I remember an artist who did these for as little as fifty dollars. She had a child with a severe illness, and she was doing it to help pay for her child’s medical bills. From what I heard, she did quite a few of them, and they were all of great quality. There are many like her, but their reasons for doing them are all different.

You can find people who will still do painted portraits the old fashioned way, but they are pretty hard to find. Most don’t like to sit for hours to have this done, and most artists who specialize in painted portraits know this. It can take a quite a long time, and there aren’t many who have that amount of time on their hands, even though they would like to get the portrait. If you find such a person, you should be prepared to pay much more, because of the time involved and that fact that they have to have a proper studio for sittings. Many artists have room in their homes for art, and don’t have to worry about a sitting area.

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