Josh Groban: A Singer With A Different Sound
The music scene these days is overcrowded with many musicians that do not have very much singing talent at all. The days of pure singers are over, and they are now replaced with many different kinds of sounds that are enhanced and created with sophisticated recording equipment.
Even when you go to see a musical act in concert, chances are the singer’s voice and/or music in general is prerecorded. Then the singer just lip syncs the words and many people never know the difference. What ever happened to singers like Elton John, Sting, and Celine Dion? Now we have to listen to Kevin Federline, Kelly Osborne, and man-made bands like 98 degrees. However there are a few musicians that are still putting out very good music, and are still quite popular. Josh Groban is a wonderful singer and he has a different sound.
Josh Groban is probably most remembered for his performance on the 2001 season finale of Ally McBeal. However he has also performed on many soundtracks for movies and some special events as well. Josh Groban has a different sound, because he does not depend on any special effects to make his voice sound as good as it does. He just uses his strong and pure baritone voice to belt out the notes and produce wonderful music.
Josh has put out two records that have gone multi-platinum already, because his sound is very different from the other options currently available. I believe the number one reason that Josh Groban is so successful is his music can be loved and appreciated by almost anyone. There are people all over the world that love his music and would do almost anything to see him in concert. Josh Groban is also very popular with millions of young women, because of his wholesome good looks.
I know that the landscape of popular music is destined to continue changing, but I believe that musical acts like Josh Groban will be able to stay popular no matter what trend pops up next.
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