International Online Business Opportunities
These days, when you dream of owning your own business, you are not alone. Many Americans dream of taking advantage of the many international online business opportunities to own their own business and be their own boss. Unfortunately, many of these venture-seekers also fall into scams and traps set up by con artists because of their desire to earn big.
Don’t be blinded by the incredible rewards devised by these unscrupulous promoters of international online business opportunities. Don’t be like those who have been fooled. The way the Internet works, it is important that you be aware of the current practices and trends used by con artists and scammers in order to avoid the traps they have set out for unsuspecting consumers.
International online business opportunities should be an offer to assist you in starting your own business. You will be provided either through sales or lease, products, equipment, supplies or service needed to carry on the business.
Below are some of international online business opportunities that are currently popular among those who want to start their own business, especially those who prefer to work from home:
The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has described this as one of the most common international online business opportunities. Distributorship is a type of agency wherein you act as an agent of the company (principal) by selling their products, lines or services directly to the consumer market.
Some companies are very strict and won’t allow the distributor or the agent to sell other products manufactured by other companies. Others let you market products from various companies.
Rack Jobber
Another of the common international online business opportunities listed by the FTC, a rack jobber is similar to a distributor or an agent in a distributorship but salient differences. For one, a rack jobber sells another company’s products through a distribution system of racks in a variety of stores instead of directly selling or distributing the products to the consumers.
The rack jobber and the company will typically enter into an agreement, stating that the company is allowing the agent to market their goods to various stores through store racks. The job of maintaining inventory, moving the merchandise around to attract more customers, and doing bookkeeping falls upon the rack jobber. In addition to his many responsibilities, the rack jobber will also present a copy of the inventory control sheet to the store manager to show to him how much merchandise has been sold. It will be the store who will pay the distributor.
Vending Machine Routes
Vending machine routes are international online business opportunities that are very similar to rack jobbing. However, the investment for this type of international online business opportunities is considerably larger since the business person must buy the machines as well as the merchandise being vended.