Accordion Lesson
Thinking for learning how to play the accordion? Wanna go for an accordion lesson? Well, if that’s what you want, then go for it. But before you go for the lesson, you should first try knowing all the necessary things behind the accordion lesson.
Generally, there are hundreds of people and schools handling or offering accordion lessons for those who wish to learn playing the instrument. Some of these lessons are intended for kids, age 3 to 6, while the others are intended for adults. As far as I know, all of these lessons have specific goals to meet, and it is usually expected that after learning how to play the instrument, the students already know how to read the music, how to pick up the tunes by ear, developed a strong understanding of the music theory, learned to play with other musicians in sessions, as well as for dancers.
In an accordion lesson intended for beginners or those who have little or no knowledge of the instrument, it is so typical that all music taught in class is written in staff notation and recorded onto audio cassette tapes. This is what most of the professional accordion teachers commonly require for their students. Under this program, the students are taught to be familiar with the fundamentals of the instrument. The basics of music theory are also typically covered, including the relationship of music notes to the buttons on the accordion. What’s more, in the beginners’ program, the basic fingering techniques are included in the accordion lesson, and mostly the students are introduced to the left hand basses and chords.
Most of the accordion lessons are also offered for those students who have been playing for at least one year. Thus, the intermediate program was developed. Under this program, the students should now have a solid understanding of the accordion and be able to read music and play it on the instrument. Well, under this coverage of the accordion lesson, the students are introduced to the level II tunes, which are composed of difficult jigs and hornpipes, including polkas, slides, reels and set pieces. An introduction to variations and ornamentation, development of the left hand skills to accompany the right hand melodies are also tackled. And, it is during this stage in an accordion lesson that a participation in music sessions is strongly encouraged.
Finally, there is the advanced program, offered for students who have a strong background on the accordion and has been playing for the last three years. Here, a higher degree of difficulty in terms of the tunes is introduced, and it is in this accordion lesson stage that the students will develop strong right hand maneuverability through advanced fingering techniques. It is also here that the students begin to write their own music.