
Buying country music tickets with a broker will give you the best chance of seeing your idols in person

Buying country music tickets with a broker will give you the best chance of seeing your idols in person Have you ever been the last person to find out about a concert in your area? Country music musicians often come unannounced to many areas, or at least under the radar of heavy publicity and with […]

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Buying Paintings: Futurism

Buying Paintings: Futurism A 20th century art movement with its’ roots in Italian and Russian beginnings, Futurism is said to have largely began with the writing of a 1907 essay on music by the Italian composer Ferruccio Busoni, and explored every medium of art to convey its’ meanings. The Italian poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti was

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Buying Paintings: Expressionsim

Buying Paintings: Expressionsim When speaking on buying paintings of the Expressionist movement, it is always a good idea to review what elements make Expressionism unique, and to gain an understanding of some of the artists representative of this particular artistic movement. The agreed upon intention of Expressionist artwork is not reproduce a subject accurately, but

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Buying Paintings: Symbolism

Buying Paintings: Symbolism Evoking a taste similar to the Romanticist tradition, but utilized mysticism and sensitivity through mythology and dream imagery, preceding the psychoanalytical work of Freud and Jung. With a strong philosophical touch, more so than a style of art, and Art Nouveau and Expressionist artists such as Edvard Munch. Beginning in France as

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Buying Paintings: Synchromism

Buying Paintings: Synchromism Synchromism paintings feature harmoniously balanced colors and a feeling of movement. It is believed that synchromist paintings evoke similar feelings and sensations as music. This is a basic tenet of the synchromism art movement. As such, these paintings make wonderfully pleasing additions to any modern art collection. Founded in 1912 by Morgan

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Buying Paintings: Romanticism

Buying Paintings: Romanticism Though sometimes referred to as the “anti-classical” movement in art, Romanticism is a style that focuses on the artist’s individualistic and emotionally wrought point of view, and is found to oppose the art movement known as Neoclassicism. Even though there have been many artists to combine elements of both. Some of the

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